Yesterday, August 24 was the opening of Taos 13th annual Artes de Descartes exhibit at Stables Gallery. As always the show is chock full are wonderful inventive art pieces made by artist from Taos and beyond.
Many people have no idea what quality works can come from such meager materials as the wide range of things others have discarded. Sometimes even the artist doesn't visualize the end result until well into the work.
My piece, called Fruits of Her Labor", was originally created for the Creation/Migration project which influenced the focus on my matrilineal heritage. It utilizes pieces and parts of traditional women's work to make an art piece about traditional women's work. The basic structure is a hooked rug (made from fabric scraps) mounted on part of a wooden laundry hamper. The photos are of my female ancestry, up to my great grandmother, and my daughter and I.
The exhibit will be open daily at Stables Gallery, behind TCA in Kit Carson park, through September 7. You will be so glad you made the effort to see this showcase of fine art with it's inventive use of unexpected materials.